Aaron Fraser

Aaron began attending Creative Clay's Art Around the World camp when he was nine years old, then began Summer Studio art camp when he was 13. When he turned 18 he began full-time in our Transition Program, and after graduation he joined the Community Arts Program. Aaron is very detail-oriented in his artwork and loves to help others. He is an extremely talented artist whose favorite things to draw include bunnies, school buses, buildings, and landmarks. His favorite medium is acrylic paint and he loves to draw from photographs.

Aaron’s painting of the Sunshine Skyway bridge at night was selected for the First Night St. Pete 2021 button and poster design, Aaron researched St. Pete landmarks for his inspiration. He ended up choosing the iconic Skyway bridge as he fell in love with the photograph he found showing the bridge lit up at night. He decided to add his own fireworks to his design to make it celebratory for the occasion. The piece was done in acrylic paint and paint markers on illustration board.

Check out a few of his other landmarks below.

Jody Bikoff